Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme

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Created: Mar 11, 2019

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

ID: 78738

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Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 1Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 2Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 3Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 4Trannom - Logistics Multipurpose Minimal WordPress Elementor Theme - Features Image 5

Are you looking for a way to present your logistics services? Do you want to expand your client base? Trannom is a great solution for such needs. You will be able to create a convenient website and provide visitors with relevant information about your moving company easily. Trannom theme has a minimal design and powerful functionality. There are pre-made pages, such as Home, About, Services, Team, News and Contacts, where you will be able to add needed information. You will customize the website according to your taste and purposes using Jet plugins bundle for Elementor page builder. Using JetThemeCore plugin you will select pre-designed sections on varied topics and insert them into pages in a few clicks. JetElements plugin will provide a lot of special widgets for creating different content without any coding knowledge. JetBlocks plugin will be helpful by implementing additional functionality to headers and footers. You will add animation effects to pages with JetTricks plugin. Your logistics company will become more popular and competitive thanks to a responsive Trannom theme.

5 Reviews for this product

The theme is pretty simple at the first glance, but, looks very good. You can actually adapt it for your needs, even using the limited amount of pre-created blocks in the admin. Didn't experience any issues throughout the installation, supports recent versions of the WP 5.x.x to 5.6.x, allowing to install it flawlessly. In case you are experiencing some issues - feel free to contact the support, they will try to help you for sure, as did for me.
bardzo dobry, prosty i funkcjonalny, przyjazny panel, łatwy w obsłudze
Een fijne en cleane template. Het installeren ging eerst niet goed, na 4 pogingen lukte dit wel. Mogelijk kan dit te maken hebben gehad met variabelen op de server (php-instellingen). Na totale nieuwe installatie van WP en het template kwam ik verder en kon ik goed aan de slag. En wat een verademing dat Elementor de editor is. Beter dan WPBakery, dat geeft totaal geen overzicht meer.
so far so good. awaiting full installation and setup, before I can say more at this time
I like it, it is versatile, simple as I wanted it, although it has its complexity in its structure

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Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
