Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template

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Created: May 22, 2019

Updated: May 22, 2019

ID: 80995

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500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 1Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 2Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 3Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 4Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 5Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 6Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 7Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 8Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 9Mingo - Delivery Services Multipage Clean HTML Website Template - Features Image 10

You can find anything via the Internet. This is why most clients search for products and services online. It allows them to find thousands of companies and choose the most preferable option. And if you want to find new customers and provide them with your services then you need a good website. And the delivery business is no exception. And Mingo will be a great choice for you. It is bright and multipage theme full of features and options. It has many pre-built pages and you can use them to sort your services and describe them. Moreover, Mingo is fully editable and you can change this template as you wish. It also includes eye-catchy design effects. This template includes testimonials, social options, and google maps. And due to high-quality images support and well-developed structure this template works perfectly as an advertising tool. Mingo is a great option for transportation companies, cargo services companies, and mover companies.

Please note that .psd files are not included in this template package.

4 Reviews for this product

Another great website template series for our client's new website. It's clean, responsive, professional, well-coded a good range of sample pages, and served our requirements very well. As website and web systems developers, we strive for faster ways of delivering our quality solutions, saving our client's money in the process ... and this template enabled us to build our client's website far quicker than if we'd designed the look 'n feel from scratch!
Perfect, excelente solution!!!!!!! no hay nada mejor 12345678990'
Il template è semplice da utilizzare, ben strutturato. Non ha tantissime pagine pronte ma comunque sono presenti tutte quelle di base, dalle quali partire per costruire qualsiasi pagina su richiesta del cliente. Ha inoltre la pagina con tutti gli esempi di form, bottoni, accordion, barre, ecc, sempre molto utili quando si tratta di personalizzare velocomente il sito in base alle richieste di personalizzazione e le esigenze del cliente. Il cliente è soddisfatto e i nostri tecnici hanno lavorato senza intoppi.
hola me parece que la plantilla cumple con todas las expectativas, tiene un lenguaje muy claro y preciso. Las animaciones son básicas pero cumplen con lo esperado. el diseño de la plantilla va a corde a la tendencia de ahora. muy blanca muy minimalista. deja resaltar los que queremos vender o transmitir en la página web. En pocas palabras me pareció una muy buena compra a la hora de hacer una página web fácil en un tiempo muy limitado

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