Logistic & Transportation - Bootstrap Website Template

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Created: Oct 20, 2017

Updated: Oct 20, 2017

ID: 65767

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Logistic & Transportation  - Bootstrap Website Template - Features Image 1


The Transportation and Logistics theme has the most vital 6 tabs on the top right side, which include the various services that your company and website are offering. Since we are granting the customers an opportunity to track their shipments and calculate the cost for that shipment, they will not use very frequently the rest of pages.

We are offering the template which is easily navigated by the customers and will not cause any confusions to them. This template also includes the list display that welcomes the visitor or potential customer and represents the main features of the website. At the end of the main page, there is distributed the world map with various locations that your company is making the shipments to. There will be also represented the HD images of the cars, with which the shipments are transported because it gives an opportunity to gain the trust from the potential customers.

NOTE: Template original package doesn't include all original images. Those are for preview purpose only. Also search field is not working. For this you need php script.

2 Reviews for this product

Very well documented and simple to use template. Just copy and use, easy to mantain and change.
great theme.........................................................

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