Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 15

Created: Nov 7, 2019

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

ID: 88573

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 1Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 2Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 3Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 4Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 5Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 6Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 7Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 8Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 9Cupcake - Cake Shop Clean Website Template - Features Image 10

Clean & Creative Cake Shop Website Template

Cake Shop website template is a powerful advertising tool. It allows you to reach new clients all over the world. And if you sell products it can be your reliable e-commerce tool. However, it is not enough to create a simple website. You need a website able to overcome your competitors. It is especially true for bakeries and pastry shops.

Such spheres of business require you to have an attractive website with all the necessary features. Cupcake pastry shop website template offers what your business needs. It is an effective web design solution made to impress your shop's customers. It also allows you to save a lot on developing your website.

Feature-rich Pastry Shop Website Design

Developed by professional designers, Cupcake perfectly suits candy stores, bakeries, pastry shops, etc. It has an eye-catchy design made in soft colors. But if you want to customize it, you can edit any part of this cake shop template. You can add new effects and elements or redevelop the template's structure. Besides the abovementioned features, our template provides:

  1. SCSS & Pug source files;
  2. A huge set of UI elements and blocks;
  3. Cross-browser support;
  4. Cool CSS3 animation effects and transitions;
  5. Powerful Search Engine.

Due to its structure, this cake shop website template is intuitive to use. It has over 30 pre-developed pages, with which you can sort information and present it most preferably. You can also blog about new products or the latest news. Moreover, with our template, it is easy to impress your clients with an outstanding gallery. It has 3 different layouts for your website gallery.

eCommerce-ready HTML Template with 24/7 Support

Cupcake pastry shop website template is an advanced eCommerce solution. It allows you to display a wide range of products. It also supports digital payments. Thanks to the language options, you can make this template user-friendly for customers from other regions. To stay in touch with your customers, we have also included working forms with this template. However, some of their functionality may require additional configuration.

Developers also integrated a reliable code that works on all devices and operational systems. It guarantees your website's stability. To help you understand how our cake shop website template works, we've included detailed documentation with it. However, if you have additional questions you can always get in touch with our qualified 24/7 support team.

1 Reviews for this product

This is a very nice theme and has many options. There are really wide choices. Perfect for my needs. The design is very beautiful and easy to see. Compatible with tablets and mobile phones. I really love your product. Thanks to Template og体育首页 for doing a great job. My customer wanted a responsive site. This template has become a favorite. I also want to use it if I have the opportunity. Thank you very much. But I didn't know that the review discount benefits had a deadline. Next time I will write a review before purchasing.

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