Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP

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shoppingBag Ventas: 1.093


Creado: 14 nov 2016

Actualizado: 3 dic 2020

identificación: 62000

og体育首页ONE - Descargas ilimitadas por $12.40USD/mes

480k artículos | Uso comercial License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Apoyo Suscribirse y descargarlo  GRATIS
Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 1Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 2Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 3Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 4Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 5Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 6Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 7Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 8Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 9Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 10Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 11Magetique - Tema de Magento multipropósito listo para AMP - Características Imagen 12
Magetique aprovecha todos nuestros conocimientos del diseño y desarrollo web, lo que garantiza una experiencia más avanzada de Magento 2. La plantilla incluye una miríada de herramientas de marketing, diseño y administración. Ningún otro tema en el mercado de hoy ofrece la funcionalidad tan avanzada - Usted obtendrá más de 20 extensiones que satisfagan todas las necesidades de su negocio. Comenzando por los módulos simples de aumento de ventas, tales como Smart Product Labels (etiquetas de productos inteligentes) y Featured Products (productos destacados), y terminando por las funciones avanzadas de diseño, tales como el efecto Parallax y el vídeo de fondo. Las páginas sencillas de editar, los bloques de página y varios elementos de pantalla garantizan una experiencia de compra agradable. No se requieren conocimientos de CSS o habilidades de programación para usarlo. Usted obtiene todos los artículos extra de eCommerce completamente gratis. El paquete incluye 5 diseños que se ajustan fácilmente a una variedad de negocios. Se instalan y gestionan sin dificultades a través de una interfaz intuitiva y con la ayuda de una documentación detallada. Una gran cantidad de funciones de edición, tales como diseños personalizados del pie de página y cabecera, le ofrecen las opciones de re-diseño que mantendrán su tienda actual y atractiva. Todo esto está agregado a un paquete que se ejecuta sin problemas en cualquier dispositivo, es decir, está optimizado para todo tipo de dispositivos móviles. Los índices altos de GTMetrix y Google Page Speed son la cereza sobre el pastel.

Lista de cambios

Magetique (July 19, 2022):

  • fixed Uncaught TypeError: mediaCheck is not a function.

Magetique (December 3, 2020):

  • add a Fashion store skin (LESS coding).

Magetique (November 4, 2020):

  • add a Grocery store, Supermarket skin (LESS coding).

Magetique (October 13, 2020):

  • add Kids store skin (LESS coding).

Magetique (September 21, 2020):

  • add Tools store skin (LESS coding).

Magetique (August 4, 2020):

  • add Sports store skin (LESS coding).

Magetique (July 25, 2020):

  • add Electronics and Smart Gadgets store skin (LESS coding).

Magetique Version 2.3.4 (April 20, 2020):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.4;
  • minor fixes.

Magetique Version 2.3.3 (November 12, 2019):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.3.

Magetique Version 2.3.3 (July 14, 2019):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.2;
  • fixed: add MegaMenu label styles;
  • fixed: Social Login extension authorization issues;
  • fixed: AMP Home Page Layout.

Magetique Version 2.3.1 (Apr 21, 2019):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.1;
  • fixed: 5 minor database bugs.

Magetique Version v2.3.2 (May 3, 2019):

  • delete Sample Data Installer.

Magetique Version 2.3.1 (Apr 21, 2019):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.1;
  • fixed: 5 minor database bugs.

Magetique Version 2.3.0 (Jan 11, 2019):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.3.0;
  • fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
  • fixed: Main Menu display issues.

Magetique Version 2.2.2 (Nov 27, 2018):

  • fixed: left sidebar display issues;
  • fixed: unable to reset filters in product categories page.

Magetique Version 2.2.1 (Oct 20, 2018):

  • fixed: Compare Massages display issues;
  • fixed: Main Menu issues;
  • fixed: minor database issues.

Magetique Version 2.2.0 (Oct 17, 2018):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.6;
  • fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
  • fixed: printable version issues;
  • fixed: header loading issues.

Magetique Version 2.1.18 (July 19, 2018):

  • update: Compatible with Magento version 2.2.5;
  • fixed: 2 minor database bugs;
  • fixed: "Update" icon in mini-cart;
  • fixed: validate star field for reviews.

Magetique Version 2.1.16 (May 23, 2018):

  • fixed: Parallax image display on Edge;
  • fixed: Parallax scroll on Edge;
  • fixed: Checkout scroll on Edge;
  • fixed: incorrect rating display on Edge;
  • fixed: Mini-Cart incorrect product adding;
  • fixed: product price incorrect display in Featured Products widget;
  • fixed: Ajax Catalog category filters and search results;
  • fixed: issues with Full Pack Installation on HTTPS;
  • fixed: Catalog Images Grid columns and pagination display;
  • fixed: price and taxes label display on Listing and Product Page;
  • fixed: issues with shopping options on mobile version;
  • update: CSS for default email templates;
  • update: CSS for Minimum Advertised Price.

Magetique Version 2.1.10 (April 6, 2018):

  • UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.3;
  • UPDATE: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension;
  • fixed: minor bugs.

Magetique Version 2.1.9 (February 16, 2018):

  • fixed: Minicart extension;
  • fixed: added css-styles for category filter.

Magetique Version 2.1.8 (February 01, 2018):

  • UPDATE: Featured Products widget;
  • ADD: 5 databases for each topic.

Magetique Version 2.1.7 (January 28, 2018):

  • fixed: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension.

Magetique Version 2.1.6 (January 12, 2018):

  • ADDED: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) extension.

Magetique Version 2.1.5 (December 28, 2017):

  • UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.2;
  • fixed: Theme options social links.

Magetique Version 2.1.4 (December 15, 2017):

  • UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.2.1;
  • update: deleted Smart Product Labels extension.

Magetique Version 2.1.2 (July 10, 2017):

  • update: Ajax Search extension;
  • update: Product Labels extension;
  • update: Theme Updater extension;
  • update: Ajax Compare extension;
  • update: Film Slider extension;
  • update: Shop by Brand extension;
  • fixed: Product type styles;
  • Minor bug fixes.

Magetique Version 2.1 (June 05, 2017):

  • UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.1.7.

Magetique Version 2.0 (May 28, 2017):

  • update: Compatibility with Magento 2.1.6 engine;
  • add: Sample data Installer/Import extension;
  • add: the ability to add Posts' categories block on the posts listing page (Blog extension);
  • add: the ability to add the Price slider to the product filter in the sidebar; infinite scroll option (Ajax Catalog extension);
  • add: Tabs, banner, gallery (Featured Product extension);
  • add: Change image on hover option, ability to display thumbnail gallery or/and product image slider on the catalog page (Theme option extension);
  • fixed: Ajax Compare extension;
  • fixed: Ajax search extension;
  • fixed: Parallax and video background extension;
  • fixed: Shop by brand extension;
  • fixed: Smart product labels extension;
  • fixed: Film slider extension;
  • fixed: Design issues;
  • Minor bug fixes.

Magetique Version 1.2 (February 27, 2017):

  • UPDATE: new version of Magento engine 2.1.5;
  • new: 1 fresh theme with 2 extra layout of the main page: Spare parts;
  • new: One extra layout of the main page in each theme;
  • update: Blog extension;
  • update: Featured Product extension;
  • update: FilmSlider extension;
  • update: Megamenu extension;
  • fixed: Theme Options extension;
  • fixed: Layout Switcher extension;
  • fixed: Shop By Brand extension;
  • fixed: CountdownTimer extension;
  • fixed: Parallax extension;
  • Minor bug fixes.

Magetique Version 1.1 (December 26, 2016):

  • new: 2 fresh themes: Bikes and Medical equipment;
  • new: One extra layout of the main page in each theme;
  • new: One more page layout;
  • new: Two more listing page layouts;
  • new: Shop by brand extension;
  • new: Special price countdon extension;
  • new: Social login extension;
  • new: Social sharing extension;
  • new: Smart product labels extension;
  • new: Image zoom extension;
  • new: Site Maintenance extension;
  • Updated versions of theme options, featured products, layout switcher and blog extensions;
  • Fixed parallax issue (now compatible with new version of Chrome);
  • Minor bug fixes.

58 Reseñas de este producto

Purchased Magetique theme 3 days ago and have not been able to use it due to a PHP version issue. Raised a ticket same day with no response to date. So basically paid money for (so far) unusable product.
The template may be powerful but it crashed on a fresh 2.3 installation with full page cache enabled and support couldn’t provide basic info on how to install just part of the theme (eg the furniture version).
Please understand that our templates are complex products. Fixing and investigating errors sometimes involves testing a template in the environment it interacts with and checking its files. Kindly upload the server to live server, so we will be able to investiagte the issue for you.
Whoever came up with the layout of the template is a genius, but the good news stop at that. This theme is super complicated to install, I've paid over a thousand dollars to Templateog体育首页 to have it installed after spending countless hours trying myself. Their basic installation is to install the theme with demo content which i didn't need, i needed it installed over my store with 30K products, which they charged a hefty fee. Very expensive to support. There are tons of bugs and imperfections. To fix those you'll have to pay and pay and pay and it'll never stop until you run out of money. Theme updates??? Pfff that's too much to ask! New version of Magento is loooooong out and there seems to be not even a mention of an upcoming update. Logs are full of front end theme errors. It's probably made specifically for business who create wesites for others, it will ensure endless hours of after-hours support which they collect big money for. Make sure to stack up on coffee and donuts if you end up ordering this theme.
The template looks great but I'm not sure how it actually operates as I have been struggling for the past 3 days attempting to install the theme. The setup instructions are extremely poor and the support provided online was limited. I am still yet to install the theme. All support provided online seemed to press me to purchase the installation package. This may be the reason why the instructions are inadequate because they simply seem to want to make more money.
The theme looks great and has tons of customizable options. It is not compatible with the latest versions of Magento however. This page claims 2.2.6 is the latest supported version. We are unable to update to Magento 2.3 with this theme and included extensions. Regular updates would give this theme 5 stars easy.

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
